
    Interactive platform of
    Youth and Student organizations

    The interactive map is a platform that serves as a database of youth and student organizations and individuals from the Albanian diaspora in the world and home countries. The interactive map also aims to function as an easily accessible platform that helps organizations and individuals connect and collaborate with each other.




    See locations



    See articles


    The interactive map for student and youth organizations is an integral part of a program implemented by GERMIN and supported by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of the Republic of Kosovo. This program aims to create bridges of cooperation between youth and student organizations of the Albanian diaspora in the world with those in Kosovo.

    The main goals of the program are:

    Establishment of platforms for cooperation and networking between youth organizations, students and professional individuals of the Albanian diaspora with similar organizations in Kosovo;

    Establishment of a structured network of Albanian youth in the world who are aware of their political, social and economic rights in the home country;

    Capacity building of youth and student organizations of the Albanian diaspora and those in Kosovo;


    Më Shumë


    We aim to use new technologies in order to facilitate communication and strengthen ties between the diaspora and the countries of origin in the Balkans.

    Our partners dioribara EQiblyLed Furrspeby Germin Global Albanians Foundation Instituti Zviceran i Studimeve Shqiptare - ISEAL Jusy Kolegji AAB OJQ THY ppu-prof_Rix Shoqata Ekspertet e Rinj Mjedisor (SHERM Albania) USEabm Whennyber Youth Center for Innovation and Development ZhedazwitRA



    Lirim Krasniqi holds a Master of Science in Political Theory and International Development from the University of Tirana, Albania, and Cuza University in Romania. He is currently completing his second master/specialization in Comparative Politics and Political Economy at the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary. Krasniqi is a creative political researcher and policy analyst with a solid experience in various civil society organizations in Kosovo, with a focus on Migration and Diaspora, Political Economy, as well as Foreign and Security Affairs. He is the author of several policy analysis, policy briefs and articles published from Germin, and some of the most prominent journals/magazines in Kosovo. He has been engaged with Germin since 2017 and started the official engagement as policy analyst and project manager in 2018. As of March 2020, the new Board of Germin, appointed Krasniqi as Co-Executive Director of the organization.

    Lirim Krasniqi

    Co-Executive Director

    Sihana Bejtullahu has a background of more than 8 years working in leading positions in the Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s), she is specialized in carrying out all aspects of a project, from conception to execution and feedback, which has given her an excellent reputation in the field. She holds a Master Degree in School Psychology and Counseling at the University of Prishtina – Faculty of Philosophy.
    Bejtullahu was directly involved in programs supporting education and innovation systems within youngsters in more than 24 Kosovo municipalities of Kosova by transforming ideas with social design into concrete projects.
    Bejtullahu is also active in different groups of activists who advocate for human rights such as women’s rights, and other vulnerable groups. Bejtullahu has joined the Germin Team as a Program Director in November 2019. In her role, she fosters an environment of teamwork and ensures that strategy is clearly defined while overseeing performance and maintaining the moral of the team. As of March 2020, the new Board of Germin, appointed Bejtullahu as Co-Executive Director of the organization.

    Sihana Bejtullahu

    Co-Executive Director

    Arbnor Mjeku has finished his bachelor studies for Political Science at the University of Prishtina, and after his Master studies for European Integration and Public Administration. During his Master studies, he has completed one semester in the University of Cukurova in Turkey and another one in the University of Ljubjana.

    His professional career until now consists of different institutions and organizations which consist of the Ministry of Local Public Administration, Presidency of Kosovo Republic, Albanian Embassy in Kosovo and a few other non-governmental organizations. Arbnor will be our Project Officer within the Program “Engaging Diaspora Experts – EDP”.

    Arbnor Mjeku

    Project Officer

    Diana Morina është duke ndjekur studimet e nivelit master në Universitetin e Lundit në Suedi, në drejtimin Studime Shoqërore mbi Gjininë kurse studimet bachelor i ka përfunduar në drejtimin Shkenca Politike në Universitetin e Prishtinës.

    Morina ka një përvojë pune disa vjecare në sektorin e shoqërisë civile në Kosovë dhe tani si pjesë e ekipit të GERMIN është e angazhuar si hulumtuese dhe analiste e politikave.

    Më parë, Diana ka koordinuar programe të cilat kryesisht kanë synuar avancimin e barazisë gjinore në Kosovë dhe kësisoj ka punuar direkt me gra dhe të rinjë/reja. Ajo vazhdon angazhimin e saj si aktiviste feministe.

    Diana Morina

    Policy Analyst and Researcher

    Dielleza Gashi ka përfunduar studimet në fakultetin e shkencave kompjuterike. Gashi si e apsaionuar mbas artit ka përfunduar edhe trajnimet për dizajn grafik në United Pixels.

    Gjatë angazhimit profesional Gashi është angazhuar në platforma ku ka shprehur anën e saj kreative dhe sot vazhdon këtë angazhim në GERMIN.

    Inspirimin për krijimet e saj e gjen përmes hiking dhe aktiviteteve të tjera në natyrë

    Diellëza Gashi

    Graphic Designer

    Belina Blakaj i është bashkangjitur ekipit të GERMIN për punë praktike (internship).

    Ajo është duke ndjekur studimet në Universitetin Amerikan në Kosovë në drejtimin Marrëdhënie Ndërkombëtare dhe në Universitetin e Prishtinës në degën e Filozofisë. Në të kaluarën Belina është angazhuar si Zyrtare për Marketing dhe gjithashtu si Zyrtare për Karrierë

    Ajo ka punuar edhe si vullnetare në organizatat të ndryshme me qëlllim që të shërbej në të mirë të komunitetit. Belina me një pasion për shkrimin, kohën e lirë e kalon duke shprehur kreativitetin e saj përmes historive të trilluara dhe poezisë.

    Belina Blakaj



    Rr. Tringë Smajli, nr.28/48
    Prishtinë, Kosovë, 10 000
    +383 49 54 25 25