A consultation about Rights of Albanians Abroad held in London
Germin, a Kosova based diaspora driven organization, has embarked on an initiative to advocate for greater social and political rights of Albanian abroad. Its goal via consultations and selected focus group is to bring together United Kingdom-based Albanian business and civil society leaders to provide a broader range of information and identify political and social needs of communities abroad.
During consultation held on 18th of March, this focus group talked about ideas and insights of the members of our UK diaspora to build awareness about the rights Albanians abroad should have in their home countries (Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro), as well as garner support for Diaspora Advocacy Group to advocate these issues directly to public institutions and designated agencies in Kosovo, including the Parliament of Kosovo
After the focus group consultation, the participants joined a social event at Cafe Koha, that showcased the work of some Albanian community organizations in UK.
Written by: UK Albanian Network
Photos: Besim Gërguri

Rights of Albanians Abroad focus group, London, 18 March 2017

Indira Kartallozi, DiasporaFlet n’Londer