
Grupet e diasporës për avokim (GDA)
Diaspora has always been an important factor in gathering international support for Kosovo as well as investing in improving Kosovo society. Unfortunately, however, there has never been a formal representative body to facilitate the relationship between diaspora organizations and Kosovo's central institutions. To address this gap, our initiative includes the creation of the Diaspora Advocacy Group (GDA).
The GDA will be an informal forum that brings together diaspora community organizations, representatives, and stakeholders. Composed of about 30 people, this forum will be a space where diaspora entities can direct their attitudes, concerns, ideas and solutions. His main task will be to advocate for the social and political rights of the diaspora in Kosovo. To do this, the GDA will first identify both the most pressing concerns in the diaspora and the highest potential that diaspora inclusion in Kosovo society can achieve. After discussing the needs and potentials of the diaspora, the GDA will work with Kosovo public institutions to advance the inclusion of the diaspora in the Kosovo government.
Among other things, the GDA will aim to gain physical access as an observer to the Committees of the Assembly of Kosovo. Its main role will be to address diaspora issues in general and to advise, in particular, certain Government entities on the needs and potentials of the diaspora.
– Advocacy campaign for informal representation of the diaspora in the Assembly of Kosovo
To ensure its representation in the Committees of the Assembly of Kosovo, the GDA will organize an advocacy campaign. Exactly, this campaign will focus on raising awareness of the rights of the diaspora to be represented in the Assembly of Kosovo, as well as the potential that this representation has to improve the legislation of Kosovo. The campaign will use media, social media and other virtual channels to reach a larger number of people.
– Platform for Social and Political Rights of the Diaspora
To bring together members of the diaspora and facilitate their cooperation, Germin will create an interactive map that enables diaspora entities to learn more about each other as well as build on each other's work. the other. Among other things, the GDA can use this platform to identify key stakeholders who can advocate for the social and political rights of the diaspora
– Every two months Google Hangouts with Diaspora groups for advocacy
Momentum and consistency are two important elements of any advocacy initiative. For this reason, the GDA will hold virtual meetings every two months. These meetings will serve as a check-in, enabling GDA members to discuss their work, celebrate their successes, and take action to overcome their challenges. These Hangouts will also enable GDA members to hold each other accountable for their commitments, as well as save their initial momentum.

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Politikat Ekonomike për Investim të Diasporës
E drejta e votës për Diasporën dhe përfaqësimi në Kuvend
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