A special and unique project for and by Albanians!

The senior population has so much to offer, but are we aware? We want to make its voice heard, we need to hear the stories and real-life experiences behind it, and put them to good use. In Albania, seniors are mostly left out of new developments and social engagement. The country that was known for its young population now needs to pay attention to its growing senior set, and we have a plan! We want to create a bridge between it and its youth through our “Senior Technology Club” Project. 

Help us build a technology lab and program for their benefit, so that they can have the opportunity to interact with young professionals and volunteers, learn the latest in technological development, be able to communicate online with their relatives abroad, and, in turn, offer and share their know-how toward the development of youths’ creative and possibly entrepreneurial ideas, which we are also already sustaining in other ways within the scope of our mission. 

The amount of $20,000 that we need for this undertaking covers the purchase of laptops and equipment for the lab and other necessary components for the implementation of this project that includes some specialized collaborators, plus transports of personnel and participants to reach their premises and/or ours, and to visit places of mutual interest. Details about this entire program and future progress of it are shared, and will be on-going, in our website at: https://www.ivanaj-foundations.org/web/projects/……

If you are sensitive to the social impact that this can have in Albania consider donating, even a small amount. The funds collected by the Ivanaj Foundation in NY, are legally allowed to be transferred to the Ivanaj Foundation Institute in Albania that will implement the above program and its intended purpose. For those who live in Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo or Montenegro, you cannot donate here due to Facebook rules, but you can always do so in more than one way, through our website at: https://www.ivanaj-foundations.org/web/ivanaj-foundations/donate/