Call for Mentors – GIZ SENECA SEDE Diaspora Mentorship Programme

Who are we?
In the framework of the GIZ Sector Network SENECA SEDE, four different GIZ projects from Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia will implement a mentorship programm in Fall 2018. This initative is jointly persued by the programms Youth, Employment and Skills in Kosovo, Sustainable Economic and Regional Development, Employment Promotion and Vocational Education and Training in Albania, the Studies and Experts Fund in Macedonia, as well as the country components of the global Programme Migration for Development in Albania and Kosovo.

What are we aiming to do?
Our goal is to bring together successful and experienced busisness professionals from the Albanian diaspora with young and talented entrepreneurs in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia. After a kick- off meeting with all the mentors in Pristina on October 1st and 2nd, where a mentoring program will jointly be elaborated, mentors will spend around three weeks in Albania, Kosovo or Macedonia to mentor aspiring entrepreneurs individually and in group sessions. After this period of mentoring on the spot, a virtual continuation of the mentoring processes is envisaged.

What are we looking for?
Are you a successful entrepreneur or business professional from Albania, Kosovo or Macedonia, living and working in Germany, Switzerland or Austria? Do you have considerable expertise to offer, as well as interest in guiding entrepreneurs yourself? Would you like to become active as a mentor to support developing entrepreneurs in their efforts to start their businesses in Albania, Kosovo or Macedonia? Are you willing to commit your time and energy to being a mentor to provide guidance to a mentee over a certain period of time? Do you have a passion for seeing others businesses to develop and grow and to be a part of their development? Then you might be who we
are looking for! Apart from that, you should be available to travel to Albania, Kosovo or Macedonia, for a period of
three weeks starting on October 1st

Due to our approach, shorter stays are only possible in special circumstances. For durations of at least 3 consecutive weeks, the GIZ offers possibilities to apply for travel costs coverage through some of its porgrammes. Applications will be assesed on a case- by-case basis.

Generally, mentors from all business sectors are welcome to submit their interest in becoming a diaspora mentor. Nevertheless, the following sectors are especially needed with regards to the demands of the potential mentees in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia:
• Hospitality/Tourism
• Agroprocessing

How to apply
In order to apply to become part of our Disapora Mentor network, please send your CV and the attached form to the coordinator of your country:
Albania [email protected][email protected][email protected]
Kosovo [email protected][email protected][email protected]
Macedonia [email protected]

The dealine for applications is August 31st. Early applications are especially welcomed.
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact GIZ!


Web page:

POTENTIAL MENTOR (name, position, academic education, work experience/field of
employment) :

Business Type: Service Producer Wholesaler Retailer
Exporter Importer Others: ___________________
Company Business Activities:

Number of Employees:

Company Turnover (€):

Do you have any mentoring experience?

Would you be available to travel to Albania/Kosovo/Macedonia from October 1st for a period of three weeks? Please shortly explain your availability.