Rrëfime dimërore nga Biblioteka

During the winter the largest in Kosovo and other Albanian territories every story that has to do with politics and bring a kind of heat, not the body, but the spirit which is the promoter of the diaspora thoughts and actions.

It’s no accident that the migrant whether first generation or second, integrating, or stage of integration faced with the phenomenon that is called in French “double Absence – Lack of double” which means that the migrant is not present in either the country of origin or place of residence. Where are the thoughts, my thoughts related to recent policy debates with the political situation in Kosovo and Albanian territories and the desire that I see my country to move forward. At the same time I have to deal with the actions and work carried here where I live in Switzerland.

Faced with logs networks and electronic media where still some form of collective thinking based on the idea that the whole world knows who we are, what we are and as we have seen, that Europe knows who are the victims. And to continue with the idea that we are the elect of God or that civilization begins with us …

Yes I can not say that in this spirit I was I, but the reality Swiss makes himself to be rid of thoughts about who we are and especially to remove vetëknaqësin our articles like these and work hard to see the true reality.

When confronted realities sometimes say between Albanian and opinions Swiss action provide some situations almost tragicomic.

And when it comes to work, ie, the reality really confess I can not occur that happened in Bibilotekën Cantonal of Lausanne. Library network itself holds 5 center with over 150 collaborators, with a fund of books on 2, 5 and 410’000 million electronic documents ( http://www.bcu-lausanne.ch/connaitre-la-bcul/ )

In the winter of 1999, with the help of my brother as students find a job at the University of Dorignis Bibliotekenë (Dorigny).

Work involving the archiving of many studies in a large space. So, it was very good job, I organize the working hours according to the schedule that was in school learning the French language, well-paid job for a foreign student, Albanian student actually did not have the right to work in state institutions and I was right not to work more than 15 hours a week.

After 6 months of intensive work I finished my mission at the Library of Dorinis, pleased by the work and satisfied by the Department of Library of Dorinis who issued a certificate of good work that enable job search library Riponit located in the middle of center the qytetitë Lausanne in a palace called palais de Rumina, which are also installed 6 museums. And my fate was “very unfortunate” that some people working in the sector of the award of the books were sick and I called for a brief substitute. The nature of the work was different from the work I had done in the Library of Dorinis was working in contact with readers in touch with colleagues. So, the responsibility was greater. As soon as I made a work week and after that was previously scheduled dinner service where work invited me to have dinner that was a italian restaurants are near the train station in Lausanne. Showing my përpiktërin almost arrived first at the restaurant. Head of service that had my file and information concerning my biography had not come and I was egzotiku colleagues evening. Form how they began to see how full file began to question makes me think of a discrete expression that The Swiss are then measured. That apparently is not valid for foreigners in my case as I felt my DNA also sought. Faced with this bombardment of questions and in the eyes of colleagues shifësha thirst and eagerness to answer just came into my head the images of a movie that I watched (the gods have dure on the head – les Dieux sont tombées sur la tête) that the film showed when the coca cola bottle was thrown from heaven and was landing in the middle of a village of a tribe of very isolated in Africa …

With images of the film were born the idea to test the knowledge of Swiss colleagues for the Albanians or Albanian lands … and the story began:

I come from a mountain region, far from civilization, do not have electricity, we do not have the street … as continuing the story I saw on my colleagues curiosity and thirst to hear me and shape how he came close to me and give me the right to continue this story winter and I have started to draw appropriate account details coming from my imaginary village and continued … to facial scrub in the morning and use the water source to source and incorporate face to face use dried or dried lambs (King) as they do not they have soft wool.

In my story tranquility reigned winter and fascinated watching the faces of my colleagues. I was at the end of my imagination arsenal and as a savior in this story came the chief of service that greeted us and started at colleagues presented me. Official presentation differed from my fictional presentation and silence at the beginning … started the laughter of colleagues who took ears that my story was appealing and nourishing for a winter evening. If my story, I took proportions to the library directorate …

From this story I asked her virtues Question: How is it that we are so little known in cultural circles such?

During the following years I worked with a small percentage is enough to be able to answer my question. Close 8 years working in the Library Cantonal’ve seen very little Albanian reader, when are books have witnessed the accession of many books dealing with Kosovo is that publishers are publishing houses Serbian either in Switzerland or from academia Serbian scientific. Briefing on Kosovo attack the Serbian version contributes to Swiss and foreign students take Publisher version and these students will one day have a good position in the Swiss state authorities or any other countries … against this attack, and the one that reached to face successfully was a great Albanian writer, from pleasure to be a writer in my head I used a pseudonym military who call it brain special unit Albanian Ismail Kadare. Throughout the years of work by weaving vërifikojsha percentage of literacy and Great KADARE recited remain writer from The Swiss and foreigners, are not, by Albanians. I not surprised by the fact that France KADARE came to understand English …

For years, I met with colleagues and library policy change and have openings for foreigners was formalized with the establishment of committees of foreign funds where the Albanian language is a part.

To supply books to Riponit English Library, a work unique and precious has future associations, led by Sir Salman Setmer which enable it to purchase over 350 library books in Albanian.

There are years that I left the library is in the strategic plan of work of the Library for the decade following 2 years I have been invited to give my contribution, as charged to projects at the administrative cantonal and see that still reigns desire that this library is supplied literature Latin and literature for the Albanians, but we need to remove the cloak winter by thoughts that the Academies of Sciences of Albania, links shkrimatarëve and literary circles, first to work on the very best of the cooperation with diplomatic missions and a coordination with institutions, associations and individuals Albanian key to perform a job in this regard.

 No, not Europe will remain exotic …  

Migjen Kajtazi, project manager at the Office Cantonal Vuadit, Switzerland, for the integration of foreigners and prevention of racism.

Vështrimet dhe mendimet e shprehura në këtë shkrim nga autori janë krejtësisht personale dhe nuk pajtohen doemos me qëndrimet e Germin-it.