
    Platforma Interaktive e Organizatave Studentore dhe Rinore

    Harta interaktive është një platformë që shërben si bazë e të dhënave të organizatave rinore dhe studentore dhe individëve nga diaspora shqiptare në botë dhe vendet amë. Harta interaktive po ashtu synon të funksionojë si një platformë lehtë e qasshme që i ndihmon organizatat dhe individët të lidhen dhe bashkëpunojnë me njëri tjetrin.

    Më shumë

    Diaspora Interactive Platform

    The Interactive Map is a responsive online platform and a database of Albanian Diaspora organizations around the world. All formal and informal Diaspora organizations (NGOs, associations, religious institutions, sports and cultural groups, and others) can register in the platform.


      Diaspora Global Calendar

      The Diaspora Global Calendar will be a space for Albanian Diaspora organizations to keep communities informed about various events and activities taking place across the world. The Calendar provides a unique opportunity to promote Diaspora activities and connect with their communities.


        Diaspora Talks

        The Diaspora Share will be a space where diaspora community members can connect and engage with each other. The Diaspora Share will be used to catalyze ideas and projects between diaspora groups.




        Shih Location



        Shih Ngjarjet



        Shih Shkrimet


        Structured Dialogue for Diaspora Rights Initiative

        “Engaging diaspora, streamlining their needs,  and promoting their rights.”

        Kosovo’s diaspora is a key contributor to the country’s economy and its social and political development. In order to recognize their invaluable contributions and encourage them to reach their full potential, Germin has embarked on an initiative to advocate for greater social and political rights of the Diaspora. The Structured Dialogue for Diaspora Rights (SDDR) initiative seeks to establish collaboration between communities living abroad and public institutions in Kosovo. Using contemporary technologies and informal channels of collective advocacy, we aim to facilitate Diaspora engagement in policy-making processes. The SDDR will ease communication and discussions between state institutions and the diaspora through a diaspora-tailored advocacy group with a presence in Kosovo’s institutions.

        The main goals of the SDDR are to:

        • Create a structured network of Diaspora members who are aware of their social and political rights;
        • Develop mechanisms for engaging the Diaspora in policymaking processes; and
        • Empower diaspora members to participate in policymaking processes in Kosovo.

        This initiative will be managed from Prishtina, Kosovo, in close collaboration and consultation with partner associations in Switzerland (Shiko), Norway (Lobi Euro-Atlantik) and the United States (Albanian Professionals in DC).

        Më Shumë

        Aktivitetet sotAktivitetet

        We strive to explore and bring ICT channels and tools to better facilitate and strengthen linkages between diaspora and their home.

        Partnerët tanë

        Albanian American National Organization Albanian - American Womens's Organization Albanian Canadian Yellow Pages Advocacy for Society Development-AFSD agrohimbrg Aksioni për Nëna dhe Fëmijë Aktivistët Shqiptar në Unia Berner Oberland Alb uk tv Alba Immigration Albaix e.V. Albania News Albanian American Organization of SW Florida Albanian Australian Community Of NSW Albanian Business Network
        Albanian Canadian Community Association of Toronto Albanian Canadian Excellence Albanian Canadian Society ''Iliria'' of London Canada Albanian Community of Worcester ALBANIAN CULTURAL ASSOCIATION "SHPRESA" INC. Albanian Roots -Rrënjët Shqiptare Albanian Student Association Albanian Students Association at Harvard College Albanian/American Association ''Arbëria'' Albanian Canadian Women's Association Albanians Connect Albanian American Association of Cleveland Ohio Albanisches Kulturinstitut albanosfera Albansk Ungdom Alisar Prospects Training CIC
        Allakod ALVA American School of Kosova Ansambli "TROJET" Antonioiol Antoniovjn Antonioyct Albanian Professionals in DC Aquasport Terme Asd AQUILA
        ARBITALIA Aritau Asociación de los Albaneses en España Assoalbania - Associazione imprenditori albanesi in Italia Association Albania Associazione albanese aquila - Arco Associazione Albanese Associazione Albanesi in Italia A. A. I.. Associazione Diaspora Unita Albanese DUA associazione La Svolta Avokate Xhevahire Klöppner AVOKO Avvocati Albanesi in Italia
        Albanian Youth and Students Association in Austria British Albanian Kosovar Council Bashkësia Shqiptare e Schaffhausenit Bashkësia Shqiptare Prefektura e Istres Shoqata shqiptare British Albanian Kosovar Council -BAKC Besa Foundation Bobsoilk Boston Albanians British-Albanian Lawyers Association
        Bursa Büyükşehir Belediyesı Atıcılar Ortaokulu Cash On Card Ltd. CH Albanian Professionals Chamber of Commerce Albania Luxembourg Classmates Forever, Inc. Danielorica Dardania e.V
        Dardania e. V. Davidkzi Davidnxv Davidzuh DHURO EDHE TI NJE LIBER Die Sterne Kosovas e.V. dioribara Dora Dorës Dritarja Online Eaglesland Albanian Society of BC Canada Effenty
        Eldaraee Eldarrxb Eldarwke Eldarytk Embathtum enharty ENVIRON-IT Epos Dance Ensemble ETEA Eugenerap Evaipy
        Evaxrs Federata e Shoqatave Shqiptare në Greqi Federata Nacionale e Shoqatave Shqiptare Itali.(FNAI) Federata PanShqiptare të Amerikës ''VATRA'' Ferdoussi Hasa Attorneys Fondacioni BONEVET Fondacioni Fondacioni Kosovar per Ndermarrjet Sociale Fondacioni Plavë - Guci Fondacioni Hajde FORUM DONNE INDIPENDENTI Forumi Rinor Ballkanik
        Gazeta Horizonte Unia GAZMEND FREITAG Germin Gjergj Kastrioti Foundation Gjergj Kastrioti Scholarship Fund Global Albanians Foundation Global Shapers Prishtina Gruaja Energji Pozitive Grupi i Vallzimit Rinia Grupi Valleve Shqiponja H2dowardLet Haissinty Hautboal HectorHax
        Shoqata HOTLA IDEAL - Integrative Deutsch-Albanische Gesellschaft e.V IDENTITET e.V. Igorhyd Igorxho iLIDH Shoqata Humanitare Ilirët ILIRI Asbl - Association des Albanais et Amis au Luxembourg Shoqata kulturore Illyricum Ilushikbfb Ilushikozy Ilushikqjx Ilushikxtb Instituti i GjeoGjebres, Shqiperi
        Instituti Zviceran i Studimeve Shqiptare - ISEAL Interkulturelles Frauennetzwerk e.V. International Leadership Club IPKO Foundation Irinrua Irinzra
        Juliaacqc Juliaaqfa Juliadl Julicxx Juliekc Juliqgy Julivuj Jusy KASH "Naim Frashëri" Gjermani
        Kërko të drejtën tënde Këshilli Koordinues i Shoqatave Shqiptare në Austri Ketri Web Klub Kosova 1977 - Hamburg Këshilli Koordinues i Shoqatave Shqiptare në Steiermark “KKShShSt” Ko-iN Consulting Kolegji AAB Komuniteti i Mjekeve ne Saarbrucken Komuniteti Shqiptar i Gjenevës KOMUNITETI SHQIPTAR I SELANIKUT Komuniteti Shqiptaro-Amerikan ne Illinois Kongresi Botëror i Shqiptarëve Kosova Environmental Education and Research Center Kosova Ideas KosovaLive
        LAPSH ''Naim Frashëri'' Lapsh ''Naim Frashëri'', kantoni Aargaut LAPSH-Shkolla shqipe në Ostermundigen Leonana Leonmne LiassyLam Lidhja e te Diplomuareve dhe Studenteve Shqiptare ne Greqi\ Lidhja nacionale e shoqatave shqiptare dhe arberesh ne Itali Lobi Euro Atlantik Shqiptar Austri Lobi Euro Atlantik Shqiptar në Belgjikë
        Lobi Euro Atlantik Belgjike nëndega Liezhë Lobi Euro Aatlantik Shqiptar Zvicër Lobi Euroatlantik- Shqiptar Lidhja e Shkrimtarëve dhe Krijuesve Shqiptarë në Austri Aleksandër Moisiu Vjenë M.&M. Ivanaj Foundation Institut Massachusetts Albanian American Society Makowal ManagementDevelopmentAssociatesFoundation
        Margaretbom Margaretfah Margaretgmh Margaretqtg Margaretsvb MË AFËR MekuliPress Michailcsc Michailsdl
        Midlands Ethnic Albanian Foundation - MEAF Migrant Entrepreneurs International Ministri i Shtetit për Diasporën Ministria e Diaspores dhe Investimeve Strategjike - MDIS Shoqata Nënë Tereza - Graz NMEJwz OASA e.V. OJQ ARTA Ojq Dita OJQ Gjeomjedisi
        Organizata e Veteraneve të Luftës UÇK Kombëtare Organizata "JETA" Organizata jo Qeveritare ''Zana'' Organizata Vullnetare Organizata Vullnetare SHQIPET Trentino Alto Adige Organizate solidare nderkombëtare "RINIA" OscarAband OUTDOOR KOSOVO pedeorded pGDcQAL Platforma Shqiptart’ pleawnbap Prointegra Qendra e Botimeve për Diasporën
        Qendra e Kulturës Shqiptare Qendra Kulturore PreArt Quadro Klinik Organizasyon A. S. Radio Dëshira Belgjikë Radio Rinia Degjo Shqip Raise Your Hand For Help Revista Fjala e lirë Revista Kuvendi Rinia Shqiptare RIT Kosove (AUK) Robhwe
        Robtph RRJETI I BIZNESEVE SHQIPTARE GREQI Rrjeti i Bizneseve të Diasporës Shqiptare në Norvegji Rrjeti i Profesionistëve Shqiptar në Norvegji Rrjeti i Studenteve Shqiptare ne Bote - AS@N RTV ILIRIA GJENEVE HD Rush Hair Cambridge Swiss-Albanian Finance Association scaneraLof Sergmit Sergpkk Sergrvk
        Sergwgw Serzagt Serzali Serzkma Serzukk ShawnJes SHIKO Shkolla Shqipe e MP Treviso Shkolla shqipe Shkolla Shqipe ''Gjuha Jonë'' (I-V) Shkolla Shqipe Luxembourg
        Shkolla Shqipe në Australi Shkolla Shqipe në Greqi - Nënë Tereza Shkolla shqipe ''Udha e Shkronjave'' në Huston - Arbëria Shkolla Shqiptare e Vallëzimit "SHOTA" Shoqata Shoqata AlBelget - Les AlBelges a.s.b.l. shoqata ALBITA Shoqata Arbëria Shoqata Ardhmeria Shoqata Atdhetare DIBRA Shoqata Atdhetare-Kulturore Shqiptaro-Amerikane “Bijtë e Shqipes” Shoqata Atdheu Graz Shoqata Atlantiku-Atlantic Association Shoqata Bashkimi Shoqata Shoqata Diaspora Meyrin Shoqata e Emigrantëve Shqiptarë - Nënë Tereza Shoqata e gruas Kuq e Zi Villach austri
        Shoqata e Inxhinierëve Shqiptarë të Zvicrës Shoqata e Kosovës për Marketing të Veshëmbathjeve Shoqata e Studenteve Shqiptare ne Slloveni Shoqata e Studentëve Shqiptarë të Gjenevës Shoqata Gjermano-Shqiptare Shoqata Greikoci Shoqata Humanitare Globi e.V Shoqata Humanitare Shitova SHOQATA ILIRIA Shoqata Konica - Konitza a.s.b.l - Bruksel / Bruxelles Shoqata Kraja Shoqata Kulturo-Sportive ''Arbëria'' Shoqata kulturore "Atdheu" Shoqata kulturore Dielli Demokristian Shoqata Kulturore Grate Shqiptare ne Trentino - TEUTA Shoqata Kulturore Nënë Tereza Shoqata Kulturore Shqiptare Shoqata Kulturore Shqiptare ''Bashkimi"
        Shoqata Kulturore Shqiptare BUJARIA Shoqata Kulturore Shqiptare Montreal Shoqata Kulturore Shqiptare NËNË TEREZA Shoqata Kulturore Shqiptare RBK e.V. Shoqata Kulturore Sportive Shqiptare në Gelsenkirchen e.V. Shoqata kulturore ''TIRANA'' në Malmo Shoqata kulturore-artistike ''Lushnja'' Shoqata Lunxhëria  Shoqata Nënë Tereza  në Namur Qendra Parandalo Shoqata Shqiperia Ime Shoqata Shqiptaro-Gjermane Münsterland Shoqata në Mbrojtjen e të drejtave dhe Kulturore të Emigrantëve Shqiptar në Kretë Greqi Shoqata Sofra Shqiptare Shoqata Studenti Cyrih Shoqata "Tutti Insieme / Të Gjithë Së Bashku" Shoqata Vatra e Shqiptareve Stamboll Shoqata Vatra Labe
        Shoqata Zhegra Gjenevë Shoqata Zvicër-Shqipëri Shoqata-Uskana Shoqëria e akademikëve shqiptarë - DIJA e.V. Shoqëria Kulturore-Artistike ''Dardania'' Shoqëria Kulturore Shqiptare Haemus Shoqeria Shqiptare ne Ireland Shpresa Programme - Hope Sindikalistët Shqiptarë në Zvicër Skanderbeg Fermo Italia Socialdemokratët Shqiptaro-Zvicerian STIKK Svetlanaavj Svetlanardj Svetlanasux Svetlanavct
        Svetlekl Svetleqh Svetlfak Swiss Albanian Finance Association - SAFA TASH - deutsch-albanische Plattform e.V. Team Albanians Tembo Construction The Albanian The Women's Organization ThomasNop Timi-Trans TOKA Traveks
        UK Albanians Network Union Deutsch-Albanische-Integration e.V Unioni Femrës Shqipetare Diasporë Unioni Gjitheshqiptar ne Diaspore Unioni Studentor Shqiptar-Turqi United Albanians of Australia Association URACult e.V. UWCKosova Vatra - Shoqata e shqiptarëve në Islandë Veronaabr Veronahdn Veronaoba Veronaqnq Victorfwx Victorliv Vikinlb
        Viktoribbc Viktoriivs Viktorivci Vilianagbl Vilianawfr VLERA ( Organizata e studentëve shqiptarë në Belgjikë ) Whennyber Yellow Pages Kosovo


        Bordi Këshillues

        Etrita Ibroci is a Senior Vice-President at Kepler-Cheuvreux – the largest Pan-European equity broker. For the last nine years she focused on Pan European Equity Research Sales.  Her prior experience includes work with Merrill Lynch as an International Strategist and Credit Suisse. There, she built her career doing global thematic and sector strategy analysis for close to 8 years – both on the firm’s sale side and buy side. While working for Credit Suisse Private Banking, she designed a number of proprietary theme-based portfolios, product structures and global indices.

        Etrita graduated from St. John’s University in 1995 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Political Science, and with a minor in Philosophy of Law and Theology (magna cum laude). She also holds an Executive MBA from Fordham University in Finance and Management Systems (also magna cum laude).

        She has a passion for languages, and speaks fluently Albanian (native), Serbo-Croatian (native), English, Spanish, and Italian. At an intermediate level, she also speaks Russian and German.


        She has continuously been involved with many Albanian non-profit organizations and is also one of the founders of the Albanian-American Professionals and Entrepreneurs Network (APEN).

        Etrita Ibroci

        New York, USA

        Hilmi Gashi was born in 1967 in the city of Prizren, Kosova. He completed his high school in Prizren and then continued onto the Faculty of Economic at the University of Prishtina. Unfortunately, for economic and political reasons he was forced to interrupt his studies at the University of Prishtina. In 1992, he resumed and completed his studies in Economics at the University of Freiburg. Since, he completed a postdoc as Manager of Non-Profit Organizations at the same university.

        His professional career in Switzerland is typical of many other migrants. Initially, he worked as a house painter, interpreter and officer at the local radio. Upon leaving the RaBe Radio he started working at the Swiss Red Cross as a coordinator of an information and employment center for Kosovar Refugees. Subsequently, he held project manager positions for integration programs in Switzerland.

        Starting in 2005, Mr. Gashi has been working at the Unia Workers Union. At first he was the national representative for migrants from former Yugoslavia, Western Balkans and other non-EU countries.  Since 2009 he has been co-chairman of the Unia Berner Oberland region.
        In addition to his professional achievements, Mr. Gashi is also an active volunteer. Among others, he is part of the leadership for the platform, head of the Integration Committee at Bern and co-leader of the Solidarite sans frotieres society which works to protect migrant rights.

        Hilmi Gashi

        Bern, Switzerland

        Indira Kartallozi is the founder and director of Chrysalis Family Futures – a social enterprise that stands for the protection and empowerment of human and socio-economic rights of vulnerable and marginalised families and children. She is also the founder of the Migrant Entrepreneurs International – a global network connecting migrant entrepreneurs and promoting their positive social and economic contribution worldwide.

        Her work has taken her to various countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. In the UK, she works as a Legal Advisor for Freedom From Torture, and previous role as a Senior Case Worker for Baobab Centre for Young Survivors in Exile, and a Welfare Rights and Housing Advisor at Haringey Migrant Support Centre.

        In 2015, Indira was a top 5 finalist in the Migrant Woman of the Year. She is also on the Advisory Board of the Social Enterprise Reporting Awards, an initiative of CSR Nigeria, and Kosova Changemakers initiative in Kosova.
        Since completing her MA in Refugee Studies and her groundbreaking research on austerity and welfare reforms, Indira has been invited to speak to various conferences and seminars around the world.

        Indira Kartallozi

        London, UK

        Mark is the chair of the Massachusetts Albanian American Society (MAAS/BESA), and  founding member of MAASBESA in 2006.  He is currently the Chief Financial Officer of the Mentor Group in Boston.   He has lived in Albania and worked there as an independent consultant, as well as held positions with the World Bank in Albania and Washington D.C.  Additionally, he has served as a Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College.

        Mark is a past member of the Board of Trustees of the National Albanian-American Council, and is currently on the Board of Directors of Albanian-American Success Stories and the Treasurer for the Massachusetts Immigration and Refugee Advocacy Coalition. Mark holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Wisconsin, and did his undergraduate degree in Economics and Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

        Mark Kosmo

        Boston, USA

        Jetmir Bakija is an international development professional who currently works on civil society development with National Democratic Institute (NDI) in Nepal. Earlier, he consulted for NDI in South-East Asia, the Middle-East and the North African region. He has also managed the Diaspora Engagement for Economic Development project at UNDP Kosovo and is a co-author of the Feasibility Study on Private Investment Fund for Diaspora Investors.  

        He is a long-term activist in Kosovo and has worked for various think-tanks tackling issues of parliamentary openness, election reforms and local government development.

        Jetmir graduated from Texas A&M University in 2005 with a Bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences and he holds a Master’s Degree on International Policy and Commerce from Valparaiso University (Indiana).  

        Jetmir Bakija

        Prishtina, Kosovo


        Behar Xharra is a development, governance, peace and security professional. A native of Kosovo, Behar has worked for various governmental and non-governmental agencies in Washington DC, New York, Dhaka, Lagos and Prishtina. Currently, he serves as a Governance and Innovation Specialist at UNDP in Bangladesh, leading data analytics and conflict prevention programming. Behar is a founding member of Germin. He has extensive experience on policy, research, and engagement of Diasporas in development and diplomacy. He has co-authored a policy framework on the role of Kosovo’s Diaspora in public diplomacy, and founded the, a crowdsourcing digital engagement platform. Behar is a graduate of the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University and Earlham College. He was a fellow at the Center for International Conflict Resolution and the Harriman Institute.

        Behar Xharra

        Executive Director

        Sihana Bejtullahu has a background of more than 8 years working in leading positions in the Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s), she is specialized in carrying out all aspects of a project, from conception to execution and feedback, which has given her an excellent reputation in the field. She holds a Master Degree in School Psychology and Counseling at the University of Prishtina – Faculty of Philosophy.
        Bejtullahu was directly involved in programs supporting education and innovation systems within youngsters in more than 24 Kosovo municipalities of Kosova by transforming ideas with social design into concrete projects.
        Bejtullahu is also active in different groups of activists who advocate for human rights such as women’s rights, and other vulnerable groups. Bejtullahu has joined the Germin Team as a Program Director in November 2019. In her role, she fosters an environment of teamwork and ensures that strategy is clearly defined while overseeing performance and maintaining the moral of the team. As of March 2020, the new Board of Germin, appointed Bejtullahu as Co-Executive Director of the organization.

        Sihana Bejtullahu

        Program Director

        Fjolla Vukshinaj

        Engagement Coordinator

        Kaltrina Kusari is a researcher and a social worker. She is currently working on her Master of Social Work thesis, which focuses on the experiences of repatriated Kosovars.Her academic interest is intertwined with her personal experiences because she lived and worked in various cities in the United States and Canada for over a decade, and understands the importance that migration holds for Kosovars. In an attempt to bridge her educational experiences with her passion for Kosovo’s development, she remained an active member of the Kosovar civil society while abroad. Most recently, she has joined the Board of the The Ideas Partnership, an NGO which advocates for the rights of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in Kosova. Kaltrina is a graduate of Quest University Canada and currently completing a Master’s degree at University of Calgary. Throughout her education she has gained experience in research and event organizing, and she is excited to use those skills to contribute to Germin’s mission.

        Kaltrina Kusari

        Database Specialist


        St. Tringë Smajli, nr.48
        Prishtina, Kosovo, 10 000
        +386 49 564 000
        +386 49 564 100